Invisalign treatment applied with transparent trays are one of the tooth aligning treatments without braces.

Invisalign treatment, which is a method treating the mildly or slightly crooked teeth, is a type of treatment performed with transparent trays, without the use of braces.

When and how is it applied?

It is used to align your irregular teeth. With CAD-CAM system, 3D scanning is taken and data is transferred to computer. According to the computer simulation, a custom-made transparent tray is prepared for each 0.05-mm move of the teeth. It is used for mild or slight malocclusions of the teeth, as a type of treatment that can be applied in adults, teenagers and children,.

What are the advantages?

  • It does not affect daily life in any way.
  • Since it is hardly visible in the mouth, it does not prevent smiling.
  • It can be easily removed while eating or brushing teeth.
  • It is a metal-free treatment and does not disturb the teeth and gums.

What are the possible problems?

A slight pressure may be felt when the transparent trays are first inserted. This force is required in order for the teeth to move and take the correct position. Transparent trays should be replaced every 15 days. Monthly exams should be planned, during which two transparent trays are delivered to the patient. This process involves no complications.


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