Fluorine Application

Another application in protective dentistry, which is as important as fissure application, is the fluorine application.

Fluoride application, which offers the most effective protection in the prevention of decays, is applied to permanent teeth as well as baby teeth. It is also applied to those who are in high risk group in terms of caries, especially those receiving orthodontic treatment. The aim is to stop the development of recent caries and to reverse this process.

What is the age limit for Children?

Fluoride application that can be performed for children aged from 6-7 years to 12-13 years can be repeated every 4-6 months. The tooth surface is cleansed of the residues and the fluorine in the form of a gel or varnish is applied once the teeth are dried. No food or drink should be taken for 1-2 hours after the application. It is important to perform the fluoride application, which involves no risk or side effect, in the clinical environment.


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    +90 216 520 20 98
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    Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 19:00 / Sat: 09:00 – 17:00

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